I love music. A song can encapsulate a moment and make you feel it again. That song is and can be real time travel to a moment you felt that feeling. A song might unlock a memory. Remind you of something amazing. But What does that have to do with magic?

Magicians have the ability to make that moment similar to a song but not the same. To feel something that you will run over in you mind again. Years later a person will recall that moment. Retell and relive a wonder. Something amazing, brilliant and inexplicable. Taking you out of yourself for a moment and putting you in the now. And what a gift that can be.

I remember performing at a Christmas party for a posh hotel. On that night two people told me independent stories. One about a young magician called Derren. They’d remembered seeing him at a restaurant in Bristol at the beginning of his career.

Another person recounted how last year a magician at the same hotel we were in had produced a folded playing card from his mouth. She still had the card in her hand bag!

Both these retellings are amazing. One remembers a person early on in their journey. Proud they’d met fame. The other story is about another memory they’d cherish to this day marked by the symbol of a card they kept to show others.

I hope to create those types of memories. The one you play over. The one you tell your friends. But it’s hard. Very hard to be remembered. Often people tell of a magician they saw once. They don’t often remember the magician though. Maybe that’s his fate. Sacrificing mystery to be mystery.

The magician knows the song. Each note, each moment and it’s mechanics. He plays it for you. But will you remember him? Will you remember me. Will you feel the feeling that mystery brings. Will you sing a song of mystery wtih me. I hope so.