For the first time in nearly a year I did street shows with one of the best of friends and people. The inimitable Matt von Trap.

I love hanging out with Matt. His joy is contagious and his love of performing rubs off when you are on the same street or stage as this wizard. The opportunities are rare as he is now a full time street and stage performer living in Edinburgh.

Matt and I met at the Plymouth Magic Circle when we were 15. It was our audition. What’s odd is I don’t remember ever spending very much time with Matt back then.

We went to different schools. He lived out of Plymouth and I remember him being the kid who was good a magic and worked behind the counter at the magic shop.

That was that. We sort of knew each other, our paths crossed and then we lost touch.

Matt went off to do some swanky job in Brussels working on environmental policy. I bumbled along doing art and design. Until 15 years later our paths cross again.

As it turned out he left the corporate environmental world to be a full time street performer and magician. One day Malcolm the owner of the local magic shop told me that Matt would be about doing street shows in Plymouth.

I met him on a pitch in Plymouth city centre. He had good crowds and we chatted between shows. I can’t even remember if I did a show that day. I’d never performed a street show before but was fascinated by it and wanted to try.

Matt gave me a ton of tips and advice on how to build a crowd and do a street show. Those lessons still ringing in my ears. He’s shared many a tip with me over the years and I’m lucky and grateful to call Matt a mentor and friend.

Everytime I see him his show get’s more interesting to watch. I look forward to seeing what he shares with the world.

Matt Von Trap throwing a hat high in the air
Matt Von Trap building a crowd for street show

Note to self: I have more thoughts for this post but until then

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think

Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink

The years go by, as quickly as you wink

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think

The Specials